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Harry-potter-care-of-magical-creatures-quiz. Beware incorrect answers may provoke angry beasts and lead to the sacking of Hagrid. Here we will be introducing some of those creatures to you and explaining where they were first shown in the films. Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone.
Magical Creatures of the Harry Potter Series. Play as a Timed Quiz. 2007-09-01 - Developed on.
If you got an A E or O that counts as an OWL keep track of your OWLs. Care of Magical Creatures Trivia Quiz Category. Random Literature or Young Adult Quiz.
Hp Creatures Hogwarts Trivia Magical Creatures. Complete all within 2 minutes to pass the exam. My version of the Hogwarts Care of Magical Creatures OWL exams which take place in fifth year.
Harry Potter - Animals Quiz 370737. Only Hagrid Could Score 100 On This Magical Creatures Quiz. How much do you know.
Students are also taught about feeding maintaining breeding and proper treatment of these creatures. Will You Be Able To Pass The Care Of Magical Creatures Portion Of Your OWL. Thanks to the vivid imagination of J.